Vidwan-ID : 408867

Prof B M Gurupadayya

Head of the Department
JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru


  • 11


Pharmacology and Pharmacy

Expertise in Bioanalytical methods and disposition of chiral drugs

Personal Information

Prof B M Gurupadayya

JSS College of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry , JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru
Mysore, Karnataka, India - 570015


  • Head of the Department

    Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

    JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru

  • Assistant Professor

    Pharmaceutical Analysis


  • Lecturer

    Pharmaceutical chemistry

    S C S College of Pharmacy, Davangere


  • Ph.D.

    National College of Pharmacy, Shimoga

  • M Pharmacy

    SCS College of Pharmacy, Harapanahalli

  • B Pharmacy

    SCS College of Pharmacy, Harapanahalli

Honours and Awards


Honor: Received an Honor of Appreciation

Celebration of Education on the 11th Oct 2018 from the Chancellor of JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research for the committed services to the Institution


Best oral presentation: Received best oral presentation for the title of

National conference of APTICON-2016 (Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India conference) Manipal University


Sipra Innovative Pharma Research Award poster and PowerPoint presentation titled Enantioselective quantification of beta-adrenergic agonist: Isoxuprine HCl on an ultra liquid chromatography using a polysaccharide-based chiral column

Sipra Labs Ltd

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Honor: Received an Honor of Appreciation

Celebration of Education on the 11th Oct 2018 from the Chancellor of JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research for the committed services to the Institution


Best oral presentation: Received best oral presentation for the title of

National conference of APTICON-2016 (Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India conference) Manipal University


Sipra Innovative Pharma Research Award poster and PowerPoint presentation titled Enantioselective quantification of beta-adrenergic agonist: Isoxuprine HCl on an ultra liquid chromatography using a polysaccharide-based chiral column

Sipra Labs Ltd


Dr. PD Sethi Annual Award for Best research paper on application of TLC/HPTLC in pharma


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Doctoral Theses Guided

Analytical method development and validation of some combined dosage forms

Mr. Anand Kumar Tengli, JSS College of Pharmacy


Mr. B. Vishwanathan, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of some novel N-hetercyclic compounds

Bio analytical method development and validation for selected drug combinations used in migraine and diabetes neuropathic pain management

Ms. J.C. Thejaswini, JSS College of Pharmacy

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Analytical method development and validation of some combined dosage forms

Mr. Anand Kumar Tengli, JSS College of Pharmacy


Mr. B. Vishwanathan, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of some novel N-hetercyclic compounds

Bio analytical method development and validation for selected drug combinations used in migraine and diabetes neuropathic pain management

Ms. J.C. Thejaswini, JSS College of Pharmacy

Bioanalytical method development for simultaneous determination of drugs acting on cytochrome p450 enzyme drug interaction study

Mr. Jinesh B. Nagavi, JSS College of Pharmacy

Bio analytical liquid chromatographic determination of some selected chiral drugs in pharmaceutical dosage forms

Ms. Tadiboyina Sirisha , JSS College of Pharmacy

Evaluation of influence of herbal anti-diabetic formulation on allopathic anti-diabetic drugs

Ms NG Rashmi, JSS College of Pharmacy

Rational design and synthesis of novel coumarin derivatives and its nanoformulations for anticancer activity

Mr Venkata Sairam K, JSS College of Pharmacy

Development of enantioselective assay and evaluation of pharmacokinetic properties of selected chiral drugs by HPLC technique

Ms Prachi Raikar, JSS College of Pharmacy

Estimating the expression patterns of FN3K-NRF2-NQO1 in breast tumors and development of fn3k blockers to modulate NRF2 glycation: drug combination studies

Narasimha Murthy Beeraka, JSS College of Pharmacy

Enantioselective assay and evaluation of pharmacokinetic properties of antidiabetic chiral drugs by liquid chromatographic technique

Ms. Tatineni Spandana, JSS College of Pharmacy


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Membership In Professional Bodies


Society for Ethnopharmacology (SFE-INDIA)

Membership No: SFE/22/I-2008 (2022-26)


The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA)

KTK/MYS/LM/0072 (Life member)


Life Member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI)

KA/LM-198 (Life Mamber)

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Society for Ethnopharmacology (SFE-INDIA)

Membership No: SFE/22/I-2008 (2022-26)


The Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA)

KTK/MYS/LM/0072 (Life member)


Life Member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI)

KA/LM-198 (Life Mamber)


Registered Pharmacist of Karnataka State Pharmacy council

18391/30.09.1998 (Life Member)

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Research Projects

Assessing physical and chemical properties of saliva among tuberculosis patients on anti-tuberculosis treatment- An observational study

Funding Agency : 0.4 Lakhs

Assessment of Hydroxyproline by liquid chromatographic Fluorescence detection

Funding Agency : 0.5 Lakhs

Bio-analytical Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Some Selected Chiral Drugs in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Funding Agency : 8.8 Lakhs

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Assessing physical and chemical properties of saliva among tuberculosis patients on anti-tuberculosis treatment- An observational study

Funding Agency : 0.4 Lakhs

Assessment of Hydroxyproline by liquid chromatographic Fluorescence detection

Funding Agency : 0.5 Lakhs

Bio-analytical Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Some Selected Chiral Drugs in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Funding Agency : 8.8 Lakhs

Spectrophotometric determination of para-Phenylenediamine in hair dyes

Funding Agency : 0.3 lakhs

Modernization of Pharma analysis

Funding Agency : 10 Lakhs

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